A self- portraot of Other Ideas Eco Streetwear Founder/Photographer Matt Randall

Introducing Other Ideas Eco Streetwear

Hi, my name is Matt Randall and I'm the creator/founder of Other Ideas Eco Streetwear.

In this, my first blog post I wanted to write a little bit of background about myself and tell you how Other Ideas Eco Streetwear came about.

I've always loved photography and images, even before I started taking pictures with a camera. As a teenager growing up I was fascinated with the fusion of photography and music, back at that time when music was THE most important thing in my world and my choices expressed 'who I am'. I'd gone to college on a part time course in Leeds, UK and it was really the first time I'd mixed with other people from around the country, and the melting pot of other people's musical tastes. Here I discovered Depeche Mode and the Dutch Photographer Anton Corbijn's photographs. I'd bought the album 101 on vinyl (this was the late '80s) and as much as I loved the music, I also loved the gatefold book that came with the album. I'd never seen such amazing, high contrast, black & white images. I would sit listening to the music and looking at these photographs. At that time I had zero idea who took the photos, I just thought they were so evocative. I still think they are amazing. So, my love of black and white photography was born, although I didn't have a camera.

Fast forward many years and I'm by the side of a road, lying on the ground (to me, a more interesting angle) photographing a bike race. Cyclists coming past me at an alarming rate and lying here with my manual focus camera is admittedly a struggle. Moving targets always are. I wasn't paid to be there, I just love taking photographs. I went home to see what I'd got, music on my headphones while editing, creating a story from the images I'd captured. It brought me joy, and at that time documentary style cycling photography was 'my thing'.

Other Ideas Eco Streetwear Ethical Sustainable Fashion Black and White Cycling Photo

I took cycling photos for a few years but yearned for something more. I'd done some work with cycling brand Rapha, of which I am still incredibly proud, worked on the Tour de Yorkshire among other projects but my contacts moved on and I felt increasingly frustrated by media always wanting colour images. Black and white seemingly never getting a look in. If my heart's not in it I truly believe you can see it in the photograph.

I still needed to do something creative for myself, not working for anyone else and so the concept for 'Other Ideas' was born several years later. This did not happen overnight. My photographs of which I'm most proud, feel really personal to me. I wanted to put them onto clothing so others could enjoy them too in a different way, rather than solely being on a wall. I feel strongly about doing this in the most possible Ethical way I can, combining my fashion ideas with sustainable, fair-wear materials and non-toxic inks. I've a lot to learn to everyone has to start somewhere.

The name 'Other Ideas' came to me in the early hours of the morning one day, a real 'light-bulb' moment. I knew I wanted to put my photographs onto clothing as a way of expressing myself and being creative but I needed a name to go with it. I was having trouble sleeping one night and started listening to Zane Lowe interviewing Depeche Mode rather than just lying there unable to sleep. During the interview the phrase '......sometimes life has Other Ideas' was uttered. Light bulb on - I had my brand name.

I'm certainly not a big company. It's just me and all the photographs you see on the website were taken by me. It feels more personal that way, and I can use as much black and white as I like.

Thanks for reading

Other Ideas Founder / Creator
Matt Randall

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